“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5

Entering a new year is like having a chance for a fresh start. We make promises to ourselves, set goals, and dream about a better future. There is an old proverb from the Bible that tells us something important: “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” (Proverbs 21:5)

This means that if we plan well and work hard, good things can happen. It’s like making a roadmap for what we want to achieve. Here are a few reasons why planning is so important.

First, planning helps us see things clearly. When we know what we want and make a plan, it’s like having a map. This map guides us and helps us make smart choices.

Second, planning gives us a sense of purpose. Without a plan, it’s easy to feel lost. But with a good plan, we know where we’re going, and each step we take has a purpose to help us reach our desired destination.

Finally, planning helps us get things done. Instead of trying to do everything at once, we break big goals into smaller tasks. Each small task is like a piece of a puzzle, and when we finish them, we get closer to our big goal.

For this new year we’ve been given, it’s not just about making goals or resolutions. It’s about making a plan that fits our goals and dreams. The new year is a chance to start fresh, but it’s the steps we take that turn our dreams into reality.

Let’s remember the wisdom from Proverbs 21:5 as we plan for the new year. Good plans and hard work are like a team, helping us achieve our goals. With a good plan, the new year becomes an adventure where we can achieve great things, grow, and develop. Make 2024 your best year yet!

Don’t neglect the little things for they can become big things in a hurry

This past summer I was running down the road and some joker in front of me kicked up a rock, sending it right into my windshield. That small unmistakable “ping” put a tiny chip in the glass. At first I was frustrated but I quickly dismissed it thinking it was too small and insignificant to worry about. Life is busy and more important things took priority. After several months I forgot all about that tiny rock chip. 

Fast forward several months to cold weather coming in…I’m what you could consider a semi-clean freak. I don’t like messes and I really don’t like a dirty truck, so I decided to run my truck through the car wash.  As soon as I pulled in and that water hit my cold windshield, I watched a huge crack run from one side of my windshield to the other.  I sat there and couldn’t believe what happened right before my eyes. That small chip, which I had neglected for so long, had now transformed into a large crack across my windshield. After sitting there for a minute angry with myself and thinking how Ishould have known better, the lesson became crystal clear. Small things unaddressed become big things in a hurry. 

My inaction had allowed a small issue to escalate into a significant problem. Neglecting that tiny chip had led to abroken windshield that I couldn’t ignore. It was a reminder that much like the windshield, life’s small problems, when unaddressed, can snowball into major issues.  We would be wise to quickly address the tiny rock chips before the carwash of life hits and causes those chips to spiral out of control and become bigger issues.  

Addressing and dealing with issues early is the key to preventing them from growing and escalating into major problems. Little things unaddressed become big things in a hurry. 

In our everyday lives, our thoughts are like the steering wheel of a truck, guiding us down the road. It’s not just about thinking; it’s about how our thoughts can shape everything we experience. The saying, “Change your thinking, change your life,” is like a hidden treasure that can totally turn things around for us.


Having a positive attitude is like having a trusty tool in your toolbox. When you choose to focus on the good stuff, tough situations don’t seem so bad, and you can handle them better. Let’s break down how this can make a difference in your life:


Feel Better Inside:

A positive attitude helps you feel more at ease, like driving on a smooth road instead of a torn-up lease road. It can keep those feelings of worry and sadness away and make you feel tougher.


Get Along with Others:

People like being around folks who are friendly and easy going. When you look on the bright side and show understanding to others, you’ll find that your relationships with your coworkers and family get better.


Get More Done:

Being positive gives you the energy to get stuff done. You’ll be more motivated, and you’ll be able to handle your tasks at work and home more easily.


Stay Healthy:

Believe it or not,your thoughts can even affect your body. Staying positive can help lower your blood pressure, make your immune system stronger, and help you stay healthy.


To start changing your thinking for the better, you can try these simple steps:


Understand Yourself:

Start by figuring out what kind of thoughts you usually have. Are they mostly positive or negative?


Be Thankful:

Every day, think about the things you’re thankful for, no matter how small they seem. This can help shift your focus away from the tough stuff.


Hang Out with Positive People:

Try to spend time with people who make you feel good and support you. Their positive vibes can rub off on you.


Set Small Goals:

Instead of aiming for something big right away, break it down into smaller steps. Achieving these little goals can help you stay motivated.


Learn from Mistakes:

When things don’t go as planned, don’t get down on yourself. See it as a chance to learn something new and do better next time.


Remember, your thoughts are like tools, and you have the power to shape them. When you change your thinking, you’ll change your life, and that can open the door to a better future.


At the beginning of August, 7 DT employees and their families were able to partner with Convoy of Hope to help offer relief to those affected by the Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak Fire in Las Vegas, NM. The fire started from a controlled burn that high winds carried away. This fire took place back in April 2022 -June 2022, burning 341,471 acres and over 1,000 homes. While many promises were made by the government and other agencies to help people get back on their feet, little follow through was shown.
This sparked members in the community to create the group Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Through Convoy of Hope and Neighbors Helping Neighbors we were able to lend a helping hand to a few families needing help.
One crew was able to help clear a roadway of debris left by the fire so that the electrical company could get in to re-establish electricity to the property. The second crew loaded, unloaded, and stacked around 600 sandbags along the road to prevent washout during their monsoon season. Our last group helped a couple stucco the exterior of their new home and built a porch like the one they had on their original home that was lost.
It was a great blessing to be able to help these people in need and to see how God has worked in their lives by bringing them back up from the ashes.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

As you may or may not know the city of Stamford had little to no water pressure last week due to a filtering issue that depleted water flow to the town and surrounding areas that they supply.

Thanks to our friends at CWS, we were able to help the town of Stamford, Tx by setting and filling frac tanks with non-potable water until their water supply could be restored.

We ask that you continue to pray for Stamford, TX.

According to James M. Decker, Mayor of Stamford, Texas, latest update they still have bags of ice and cases of water available to the community as they continue to work to restore water to the town.

If you would like to help the community of Stamford, please reach out to the city hall at (325) 773-2723 to get involved or to donate. 

Make Yourself A Priority

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while working as a driver, mechanic, dispatcher or in the back office can be challenging due to long working hours and limited access to fresh, nutritious meals. However, prioritizing wellness through proper diet and exercise is crucial for anyone to ensure long-term health and well-being. This month we will discuss some practical tips and strategies to help improve diet and incorporate movement into daily routines, ultimately promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Plan Ahead for Nutritious Meals:


Being prepared is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Consider the following tips to help make smarter food choices:

  • Pack healthy snacks: Instead of relying on convenience store options, pack a cooler with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt. These snacks are not only nutritious but also provide sustained energy throughout the day.


  •  Prepare homemade meals: Before hitting the road, prepare meals in advance that are easy to store and reheat, such as salads, sandwiches, and wraps. Opt for lean protein sources like grilled chicken or fish and incorporate plenty of vegetables.


  •  Choose water over sugary beverages: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water instead of sugary drinks. If you find plain water boring, infuse it with slices of fruits or a zero-calorie flavoring.

BONUS: Layer your salad in a jar for a quick and easy on the go lunch. Layer the dressing at the bottom, then toppings, and lettuce last. When ready to eat, dump on a plate or mix and eat straigh from the jar.

Optimize Meal Choices:


When making other food choices, consider the following strategies to prioritize healthier options:

  • Look for balanced meals: Choose meals that include a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables. Avoid deep-fried or heavily processed foods, which are typically high in unhealthy fats and added sugars.


  • Control portion sizes: We often face oversized portions, leading to overeating. Be mindful of portion sizes and consider sharing a meal or saving leftovers for later.


  • Read food labels: When buying packaged foods, read the nutrition labels to make informed choices. Aim for products with lower sugar and saturated fat.

Incorporate Movement into Daily Routine:


Sedentary hours spent driving or sitting at a desk can take a toll on overall health. Prioritize regular physical activity with the following tips: 

  • Stretch breaks: Take short breaks every couple of hours to stretch and move your body. Simple exercises like stretching your arms, legs, and neck can help alleviate stiffness and improve blood circulation.


  •  Engage in on-the-go exercises: Incorporate exercises that can be done as you take a short break, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, or yoga poses. Make the most of any down time to get your body moving.


  • Utilize technology: Download fitness apps or follow workout routines available online. These resources can provide guidance on exercises that can be done within limited space and time constraints.


**Click the images for links to the videos and websites**

Prioritizing wellness is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By following some basic diet and exercise tips, you can take proactive steps towards improving your overall well-being. Remember, making small, sustainable changes can have a significant impact on long-term health. Taking care of yourself not only enhances personal well-being but also ensures safer and more enjoyable journeys for everyone involved. Commit to better nutrition choices and incorporating movement into daily routines for a healthier life.


Complacency is a word that most of us
have heard. We know that if we get caught up in a
routine or become comfortable with our surroundings,
we will drop our guard.

Complacency can occur in all kinds of relationships,
whether it be in professional, personal or spiritual lives.
It finds vulnerability in the comfort of our successes,
and waits for us to develop over-confidence, to lose
sight of our task at hand. We cannot allow this to
happen, don’t lose sight!

We are each called to be good stewards, “to be good
managers of the grace of God.” Let us not fall into
complacency, but look out for the good of not only
ourselves but for the good of our company and of


Safety Dept.

Stay Sharp

In a rural village surrounded by lush woods, there were two men tasked with cutting firewood: Mr. Kent, an elderly man, and Bruce, a young man full of energy.

One autumn day, the two ventured into the forest. Bruce, eager to show his strength, swung his axe vigorously but soon realized its blade had dulled. He worked relentlessly, exerting great effort, yet the wood resisted, barely yielding to his strikes.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kent, drawing on his years of experience, took a different approach. Leaning against a tree stump, he carefully inspected his axe blade. Recognizing its dulled state, he retrieved a whet stone and began sharpening it meticulously. Bruce watched, puzzled by the old man’s seemingly wasteful actions.

As the hours passed, Bruce struggled with every swing, while Mr. Kent’s newly sharpened axe effortlessly sliced through the wood. The old man collected a substantial pile of logs, leaving Bruce astounded and frustrated by his own lack of progress.

Curiosity overwhelmed Bruce, and he questioned Mr. Kent’s decision to waste time sharpening the axe. With a patient smile, the old man invited him to sit down and explained, “Sharpening the axe is an investment in efficiency, not a waste of time. Each swing with a sharp blade requires less effort and achieves greater results, ultimately saving time and energy.”

Bruce absorbed the wisdom, realizingthe significance of preparation and working smarter. He examined his dull axe and acknowledged the value of Mr. Kent’s approach.

From that day on, Bruce embraced the old man’s technique. Prior to each wood cutting task, he diligently sharpened his axe. The results were remarkable, as he discovered he could accomplish more with less effort, experiencing increased efficiency and productivity.

There is an ancient proverb tucked away in a small book of the Bible, Ecclesiastes, which says, “Using a dull axe requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.”  The principle to sharpen the blade illustrates the significance of continuous growth and development in all areas of life. 

Whether it be our professional pursuits, relationships, personal development, or health and wellness, sharpening our skills and keeping a positive mindset helps us to navigate all of life. Embrace the call of wisdom and keep your axes sharp.

So, whats in your cup?

A couple of weeks ago I was walking through the crowed foyer at church.  I had just gotten a fresh cup of coffee and was walking across the room when some joker bumped right into me. He must have been moving with some urgency because he ran into me with a force that shot my hot coffee all over my hand, then onto the floor. 

This situation reminded me of an old analogy about why I spilled the coffee.

Why did I spill the coffee?  You may say, “It’s because that guy bumped into you, dummy.”  But really that’s not the accurate answer. 

I spilled the coffee because there was coffee in my cup.   If my cup was full of beer (maybe not at church), I would have spilled beer.  If it was full of water, I would have spilled water. Whatever is in the cup is what will spill out.

This wise old lesson is so true of our lives.  When the trials and difficulties of life run into you, which they eventually will, whatever is in you is what will come out.

So, what’s in your cup?  When things get challenging what spills out?  When people test your patience what comes out?  When you face a conflict, obstacle,trial, hardship, or suffering…what’s in your cup? 

Are you passive or do you give up quickly?  Or are you responsible, responsive,and resilient?

Do you get angry or bitter? Or are you patient and forgiving?

Do you complain, blame, and point fingers?  Or do you focus on solutions, take responsibility and practice accountably?

What’s in your cup?  I think Jesus Christ said it best himself, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.”  Matthew 12:34-35

God has given each of us a cup, a capacity in life, and we have an opportunity and responsibility to fill it properly.

We would be wise to fill our cups with thankfulness, forgiveness, joy, courage, resilience, kindness, and love.

Tips to Complain Well

Tips to complain well: Stop, pause, and learn to respond instead of quickly reacting. Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Avoid negatively impacting your mood by limiting your complaining to rare occasions. Complain ONLY when you believe it will bring real and positive change. Consider other approaches to address issues and frustrations that may work instead of complaining. Protect yourself from chronic complainers and limit your time around them. Practice an attitude of gratitude to refocus your perspective.

Complaining is simply expressing dissatisfaction. It usually happens in the context of a negative situation. (The food was bad at the restaurant, The traffic was horrible, The weather was too hot, cold, dry, rainy…)

We all complain, and every person has a different tolerance before internal frustrations move to external complaints. The question is not will we complain, the question is how we will complain. No-one likes a complainer, so we would be wise to learn to complain well. Believe it or not there is a positive and productive way to complain.

Types of Complaining:

Chronic complaining – These are people who never seem to be satisfied. They generally focus on problems and obstacles. Chronic complainers tend to be negative and quickly express dissatisfaction with various situations. There is even scientific research that shows how chronic complainers rewire their brains and dissatisfaction and complaining becomes more embedded. It has also been proven to have many negative physical and mental health effects. This can be reversed and fixed but most chronic complainers likely don’t believe that it could.

Venting – Venting can be a natural response and it is basically expressing our emotional dissatisfaction. Most of the time the goal of venting is to get some type of validation for our problems and dissatisfactions. We typically vent to be heard, get attention and gain sympathy. Venting does not usually produce solutions.

Constructive Complaints – This final type of complaining is the only way to complain well and productively. Constructive complaints recognize issues and express frustrations, but the difference is the move toward solutions. Constructive complaints bring about positive changes and solutions.

Tips to complain well:

  • Stop, pause, and learn to respond instead of quickly reacting.
  • Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
  • Avoid negatively impacting your mood by limiting your complaining to rare occasions.
  • Complain ONLY when you believe it will bring real and positive change.
  • Consider other approaches to address issues and frustrations that may work instead of complaining.
  • Protect yourself from chronic complainers and limit your time around them.
  • Practice an attitude of gratitude to refocus your perspective.